We want to make our platform a place for getting expertly written, authentic information. So, we only prefer posting high-quality, plagiarism-free, and unique content. Your content must be owned by you and should fulfill the quality content requirements.

By submitting to BloggingVile, you completely agree to comply with ALL of our rules and regulations. You must be the owner of the content that you are submitting, otherwise, serious actions might be taken against you. We strictly follow the “No Plagiarism” rule. Your content needs to provide a significant benefit to our readers, real benefit. You should be able to solve their issues and concerns. We do not welcome poorly written, filler content. Other than that, the authenticity of your content matters the most to us. We will not publish any fake content on our website. You have to care about content writing and presentation for us to post your content. Also, expect editorial changes to be made to your submitted content if needed.

Other than that, we might also use third-party advertisement solutions including Google Adsense, Ezoic, Adthrive, etc. And they may collect your name, email address, physical address, or phone numbers to provide you ads for different things which you might like. With Ads, BloggingVile might also add some affiliate links to your blogs. This means, we are referring you to purchase those products and we might receive some commission in return. But, we will never force you to buy any product or service. It is all up to you.

For other operation and maintenance purposes, this Website and any third-party services might collect files that keep track of the interaction with this Website (System logs) and use other Personal Data (like the IP Address) for this reason too.

Kindly be patient with us because on some days we’ve got a lot on our plates and we can’t answer emails as quickly as we would like. However, we’ll get back to you and let you know if we’d like to see more as soon as possible. So, you don’t have to worry.

So, wrapping up, we’re not perfect. The occasional typo gets in despite our greatest efforts. However, we put a lot of time and attention to make our posts as good as they can be. And we hope that you can get the information that you are looking for on BloggingVile.

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