Dependency on mobile apps and applications has increased abruptly, increasing mobile app development trends. Covid Pandemic fired up this dependency.

Finance online reports state that 2020 projected more than 218 billion app downloads, with a 6.86% increase from the previous year. The experts predicted that there would be a 25% increase in global mobile app downloads between 2018 and 2022 when forecasts estimate there will be 258 billion app downloads globally.


  • AI Chatbot Introduction 

Chatbots are accurate, enabled with a user-friendly interface. It can substitute humans for repetitive and straightforward tasks. Hence saving business owners with a significant amount of money.

  • AI Chatbot working

The basic bot provides search results, book tickets, or redirects to the appropriate web page; the advanced bot can teach languages, provide Q&A, manage your schedule, or even act as your virtual therapist.


  • Wearables Introduction

A report by Statista projects that in 2022 there will be 1.1 billion connected wearable devices. Approx 700 wearables with the most 5G connections, according to North Americas forecasts.

  • Wearables working

Wearables connect devices like smartwatches, earphones, headphones, fitness bands with your smartphone.

 It gives accurate data about health and fitness. That is generally high in demand with an increase in health awareness.


  • Augmented Reality Introduction

AR is an enhanced version of realistic and physical world features attained through visuals and sounds.

  • Augmented Reality functioning

Augmented Reality is the revolution for advertising and business industries. 

Used by the companies for the launch and promotion of products.


  • Introduction

VR allows the user to inhabit an entirely different environment. That is created and rendered by computers. 

  • VR Working 

Users may immerse in an animated scene or a real-world location, a photograph embedded in a virtual reality app. Users can look up, down, or any other direction using a virtual reality viewer as if they were present there.


  • 5G Technology Statistcs 

The explosion of 5G users worldwide, from less than 200 million users in 2019 to 1.02 billion in 2023. This revolution enabled users to experience rich and 4k media content

  • Wrapping Up 5G technology 

It powered mobile applications to users to access progressive technologies like IoT,   Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR & VR), cloud computing, UltraHD videos


  • App Development Incorporating IoT 

IoT technology and mobile-connected smart appliances have been around for a while. Statista estimates IoT spending to reach $1.1 trillion by 2023. An essential factor driving cloud and IoT adoption is safety, increasing concern for businesses. 

  • Benefits Of IoT And Cloud

With more than $120 billion spent on IT security globally in 2019, it’s easy to see why companies are looking for alternatives. Other advantages of IoT and the cloud include lower operational costs, increased efficiency, and increased API connections to other platforms.


  • M-Commerce Statistics

According to Statista, by 2021, m-commerce will account for 72.9 percent of global e-commerce sales. In 2021, mCommerce sales expectation was to increase by 22.3 percent or $640 million in 2020.

As the quantity and utility of smartphones increase, all businesses become interested in buying and selling continuously due to the possibility of contactless, germless, and fast services.

  • M-Commerce Conclusion

Pandemic propelled the simpler buying process even for the people who don’t have expertise in the tech industry. The app engineers are in charge of the rest. Furthermore, we can expect the emergence of still relatively backward but overtly germ-free voice shopping apps in the coming year: if you can avoid touching, do it.


Some of the best conferencing tools to propel your business are listed below

  • Google Hangouts 
  • Skype
  • Zoom
  • MS Teams
  • Facebook Live
  • Youtube Live 
  • The COVID Effect 

The COVID pandemic raised the market for freelancers. People realized it’s not necessary to be present physically after years of working from home. Working from home became a big trend. Firstly It keeps you away from potentially infected people. Secondly, it saves you a few hours of commuting time.

  • Amazing Stats 

According to a recent Gartner poll, 48 percent of employees would prefer to work at least part of the time after COVID-19 remotely. Before the pandemic, the figure was 30%. During the Covid Pandemic, businesses made prominent use of video conferencing tools.


Many industries are viewing AR positively. With the rapid expansion of technology and a rapid increase in mobile application users worldwide. Mobile app development trends also boost up due to users’ high demand.

In addition, 2020 realized that you can’t predict the future can be uncertain. So with the future aspects, one needs to act and adapt to survive the cut-throat competition.

The post-pandemic era adapted these changes and new app developments, but it’s not so different. With the emerging demand for devices and lack of human resources, companies started looking for digital devices.

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